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Find Yourself Society.

Holding of Wrist started in 2008 as a lonely Myspace page with just 50 friends. The goal was to help local friends through life’s struggles and give advice. Over 13 years, Holding of Wrist grew to a worldwide community of over 550,000+ people that focused on overcoming mental health issues such as self-harm, depression, and suicidal thoughts. We replied to over 500,000 texts and emails from those struggling….and then we destroyed everything….

Rebranded as Find Yourself Society: A social-media content driven company that motivates young people through mental health struggles and promotes young hustle to achieve their dreams.

We promote a positive and accepting community of young people who aspire to live their life on their own terms. Every life has purpose and value even though it may be hard to see sometimes. We strive to break down barriers and make life more transparent. Through mass involvement, we can educate others and prevent these harmful behaviors.